EU funded joint monitoring projects

The successful and cost-effective implementation of the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) depends on regional cooperation between EU Member States and other countries.
The successful and cost-effective implementation of the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) depends on regional cooperation between EU Member States and other countries.
The European seabass (or bass as it is more commonly known) is one of the most sought-after fish for recreational sea anglers in England and Wales
My role is to identify, understand and bring together all research that is going on in the UK (and often beyond) about climate change and how it impacts upon the marine environment; and then communicate these findings to decision-makers, policy …
We are sitting in a lecture theatre and the speaker is going through the normal set of slides – all seems normal until she says “open up your Twitter accounts and provide some live feedback”.
Sea angling is big business in England according to our latest survey of recreational sea angling in England.
There were two separate shellfish-associated outbreaks of illness in humans during the summer of 2012. One was in New York and the other Pontevedra, northwest Spain.
So one day on the game is a foot, the game being to guess what the weather may do and attempt to stay one step ahead of it, but more...
I really have no idea where the time has gone, it only seems like we have been at sea a couple of days but we are now over half way through the survey.