The Cefas Fish Health Inspectorate (FHI) have recently produced a new guidance leaflet “Koi herpesvirus disease and your fishery”. The leaflet is intended for carp fishery owners, is available to download from the Angling Trust, and is reproduced here.
Intertidal areas, such as estuaries, can be both important fisheries and key habitats for wildlife. During winter months, large flocks of wading birds (Order: Charadriiformes) gather to feed within estuaries.
It was January and therefore traditionally the time for a survey of fish stocks around the island of South Georgia, in the Southern Ocean.
Dr Joanna Murray from Cefas explains why she needs to know what species people are keeping in their fish tanks.
The Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas) is one of the world’s longest-established marine research organisations.
The successful and cost-effective implementation of the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) depends on regional cooperation between EU Member States and other countries.