The future of Finfish and Shellfish News

To keep up with publication trends, Finfish News and Shellfish News are being refreshed. They will now be published on this blog, where each item will be a standalone post.
I work at Cefas and lead a team within the Fish Health Inspectorate, which focuses on stopping the spread of fish and shellfish diseases in England and Wales.
To keep up with publication trends, Finfish News and Shellfish News are being refreshed. They will now be published on this blog, where each item will be a standalone post.
This Parliament ends on 30 March. Between then and the general election on 7 May is the pre-election period and the Civil Service communicates less, in line with the General Election Guidance. So you won't seeing any new posts from …
The Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas) is one of the world’s longest-established marine research organisations.
Oceans cover almost three-quarters of the Earth’s surface, and hold over 90% of the planet’s water.
That was an interesting 48 hours, I have never seen rain like it, at times is if we were under a water fall!
I really have no idea where the time has gone, it only seems like we have been at sea a couple of days but we are now over half way through the survey.
Over the next few months we will be uploading content about the work government is doing in the marine and freshwater sector. Remember you can subscribe to this blog to get instant notifications when new content is added. To do …
The Marine Science blog showcases the latest developments and research in the marine and freshwater sectors across all government departments.