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Strengthening Fisheries Compliance: OCPP’s Training Mission in Madagascar

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Aquaculture, biodiversity, Education, International, OCPP, Uncategorized

Author: Amy Anderson (MMO) In October, the Marine Management Organisation (MMO)’s Global Marine Team undertook a deployment to Madagascar under the Ocean Country Partnership Programme (OCPP). The Ocean Country Partnership Programme is a bilateral technical assistance and capacity building programme …

Emerging from the ‘innovation valley of death’: Opportunities and challenges for the seaweed industry in the UK and Europe.

Every new industry or technology requires funding to survive, initially for research and development (R&D), developing processes and products, and then to scaling up to a viable business. A lot of the initial research is supported by public funding, which …

What do a Communications Officer, a Shellfish Scientist and a Fish Health Inspector have in common?

Posted by: , and , Posted on: - Categories: Animal Health, biodiversity, Careers, Education, Field Research, Fisheries, Science

Answer: They all graduated from a Zoology degree at the University of Exeter in 2016!  With the start of a new academic year, this time often comes with big decisions and a lot of uncertainty. Perhaps you’re making decisions on …

Ascension Island and Lowestoft school twinning project: Connecting the next generation of ocean advocates

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: biodiversity, Climate Change, Education, Ocean literacy, Science
Two students in a classroom looking at food chain cards

Despite being separated by more than 7,000 kilometres and located in opposite hemispheres, with the diverse climates and marine environments of the South Atlantic and North Sea, a ground-breaking primary school twinning project, supported by Cefas and Ascension Island, has …