European aquaculture production data is collected under EC Regulation (No) 762/2008 and is publicly available on the Eurostat database.
The latest figures available are for 2012 and are summarised in Table 1. Although some data are missing (eg national figures for Italy, value figures for Denmark), the data provide a general picture of contemporary European aquaculture. Please note that UK figures differ slightly to those reported (ref) due to discrepancies in collation.
European aquaculture produced nearly 2.6 M tonnes in 2012, with a first sale value of €7.75 billion (Table 1). Finfish comprise the bulk (81%) of production, with molluscs (19%) making up the balance. Aquaculture production of crustaceans and aquatic plants in Europe is negligible. Although over 100 species groups are farmed in Europe, production is dominated by Atlantic salmon (55% of production tonnage), mussels (15%), rainbow trout (13%), sea-bass (5%), sea-bream (4%), Pacific oyster (3%), and carp (2%). For further breakdown (e.g. by species) please access the Eurostat database.
Norway is Europe’s leading aquaculture producer by far, both in terms of value (52% of total) and tonnage (51% of total). The UK ranks second in Europe by value, but with production valued at €733M, it is the leading Member State within the EU. Turkey and Spain reported higher total production tonnages in 2012, but UK production was estimated to be of a higher value.

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